Thursday, August 25, 2011

Working to Learn

AAP has been blessed with an amazing opportunity lately:  Working with the Providence House in Shreveport, LA.

If you follow along, you know that I have a passion for travel.  As of late, though, my heart has been in the non-profit sector.  I have started to feel that I should pour my talents into helping those who help others.

While searching for work I came across a beautiful organization in town called the Providence House.  I'll give you a summary, but really you should check out their website and learn more about them.

The PH is a transitional shelter for homeless families in the Shreveport area.  After starting as a traditional homeless shelter they noticed that the same folks would leave, then find more trouble and return to the shelter time after time.  They saw the problem and took steps to make things right.  Their goal is to break the cycle of homelessness through a system of accountability and education.  Now they rarely see the same family back twice.  In fact, the PH sees an 89% success rate in its families.  This means that 89% of families who complete the program move on to happy, financially stable, productive, full-time-job-working lives.  Awesome, right?

One program at the PH is called "Working to Learn."  This is where I come in!

Working to Learn treats earning a GED like a full time job.  Participants from the PH are paid a salary and their children are provided with day-care while mom and dad are in class.  With GED in hand better jobs, more steady jobs, are attainable.  Teachers, professors and private tutors volunteer to help get these folks learned up and test ready.

I've come on board to create a short piece to promote "Working to Learn."  The video I create will be used to show progress to benefactors and gain additional funding.  I pray that my work will work for them!

Right now we have a video deadline of September I am headed to Indiana shortly after that.  Check back for an update soon.


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